Garage Conversions
Garage conversions can add approximately 10% value to your property and can be a cost effective way to add space to your home. By making use of the unused space in your garage, you could save money on the price of moving house, and you wouldn’t have to go through the disruption and frustration that moving involves.
Many garages are thinner than the average room so to make the most of the space available consider using stud or block walling and creating two rooms out of the space available to you. Employing the services of a good architect, architectural technologist or architectural designer will be beneficial at this point as they can create designs from your ideas and elaborate upon them giving you suggestions for the living space you wish to create.
Planning permission may not be required if you are not altering the structure of the building although your architect can advise you fully on this. However, Building regulations will be required for change of use to a habitable room.
Insulation must be installed at the minimum regulatory U value and also damp proofing will be necessary on the walls and floor.
A plumbing and wiring survey may be required to assess any additions needed for the room, such as an additional household mains as well as the obvious additions such as radiators and lighting that you choose for the living space.
Things to consider are that the conversion will need ventilation to meet with building regulations and an escape route to meet with fire regulations. Other considerations will include the doors and windows you use and whether alterations to the footings will be required depending upon the design of your build. Reinforcement to the original garage may also be needed.
Whilst the disruption and costs involved may deter some from considering a garage conversion the pros of adding value and space will be attractive to many individuals. It is also worth remembering that your council tax banding will remain unaltered with this type of conversion.
If you are considering a garage conversion in Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire and would like professional help and guidance please contact Dylan Morton Design and Architecture for a free no obligation consultation.

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