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Former Dragon Theo Paphitis Champions Residential Cambridge Architectural Practice

Cambridge Architectural Practice Wins Award

In recent weeks I was a winner of the well known #SBS (Small Business Sunday) weekly event on Twitter much to my surprise after 18 months of entering and trying to win. The persistence paid off and DMD Architecture now has a profile page on the Small Business Sunday website.

This is run by Theo Paphitis, Chairman of Ryman Stationary, Boux Avenue, Robert Dyas and joint owner of Red Letter Days and as a well known former Dragon.

It was created by Theo in 2010 to promote local small businesses that are entrepreneurial in spirit. The lucky winners are re-tweeted to Theo’s 400,000 followers and become part of a friendly club of winners of like minded individuals.

Winners are profiled on which is exclusive to #SBS winners.

On winning I was invited to Birmingham ICC to meet Theo with fellow SBS winners and was given a great day to include a 2.5 hour presentation by the man himself.

Theo was pretty inspirational and inspiring to say the least, was completely warm and approachable and announced he has formed SBS Angels which is made up of 6 former Dragons Den winners Theo has invested in, who all form a panel to offer an investment of £50,000 to one of the SBS winners. This is to be in the format of Dragons Den where we get to pitch our business and ideas to hopefully win the investment.

I have had several hundred new followers since my winning tweet on the 17th Nov, got to meet Theo at the Small Business Sunday Event 2013 in Birmingham at the ICC and have had great feedback and help from past winners. We have also had coverage in local newspapers and magazines which has proven extremely beneficial.

It’s good to see Theo enthusiastically supporting small businesses and it was a great surprise to have my architectural practice chosen.

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